Double up: double dogleg with two tugs & tows
Two American single-screw towboats, which had faithfully served the U.S. coastal trade throughout their entire lifespan, were given a new lease of life. These ATB’s (Articulated Tug Barges), known in Europe as push tugs, along with their 360-foot cargo barges, were built forty years ago. Redwise was called upon by old friends to deliver them safely under own power to Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago. Built with solid high-quality steel, minimal electronics and without towing winch and rowing hook, these tugs and barges were initially designed for coastal and inland trade. However, the ATB connection, utilizing steel wires in the notch at the stern of the barges, proved unsuitable for navigating the Caribbean Sea. Particularly against the trade winds and during hurricane season. With a towing bit only, it necessitated the use of polypropylene ropes that could be manhandled and shackled to the chain towing bridles the old fashioned way. A small benefit being that what isn’t fitted cannot break down either.
Given their age and trade limitations, the four-decade-old ATB sets required full certification and preparation for this international voyage, ensuring compliance with international state regulations and requirements. Over a several week period, the tugs and barges were prepared for their journey with the invaluable support of the new owners, class, sellers and agents. One of the challenges of this voyage was the lengthy waiting time for U.S. visas, especially during the holiday season. To obtain these two fully European Union (EU) crews of six members each were assigned to the tugs due to limited accommodation space. This small crew size was mostly from the Netherlands and part of Redwise's permanently employed crew. Although the Netherlands has a long-standing reputation for deep-sea towage, experienced seafarers skilled in traditional long-distance towing are becoming increasingly rare. Fortunately, we could also rely on our regular colleagues from Lithuania for their expertise and making up the total crews.
At Redwise, we specialize in the global delivery of vessels under their own power and on their own keel. We take pride in tackling unique challenges, even when they occasionally leave us scratching our heads. To ensure a safe passage through the Caribbean Sea, we planned the route to maximize shelter behind the Caribbean Islands. This approach minimized stress on the towing arrangement and provided opportunities to work on deck in in the lee of the islands from challenging trade winds, which often brought head-on sea and swell conditions.
The voyage itself proceeded smoothly, with the most challenging stretch being between the southern tip of the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. After an 18-day journey, the ATB’s were successfully handed over to their new owners. Our crews remained on-site for several days to assist and familiarize the new team with the vessels. This success story underscores the importance of experience, respect for the weather, careful planning, good seamanship and a dedicated, qualified crew supported by a strong shore-based management team.
A heartfelt thanks to the owners, our hardworking crewmembers and all other involved parties for a job well done. On the opposite side of the tug spectrum, Redwise safely delivered the electrically propelled tug BB Electra from her builders in Turkey to her Owners in Norway, a 40 years generation gap, to follow next. Redwise operates with a shore staff of 20 and employs approximately 75 seafarers on indefinite contracts to deliver vessels globally under their own power and on their own keel, from small launches to VLCCs. Established in 1906, we are proud to serve the maritime industry in this specialized niche, proving our value to owners and builders alike. In addition to global ship delivery, Redwise provides Deep Sea Pilots in the North Sea, seconds personnel, and owns and operates the survey vessel "ARCTIC." For more information, visit us at, give us a call or drop by.